Stefano Serafini
nato a Rimini il 4 settembre 1965
diplomato Geometra nel 1985
diplomato al Conservatorio di Cesena in Tromba nel 1989.
Inizia gli studi della Tromba Jazz con Marco Tamburini
dal 1989 al 1991 studia (previo esame di ammissione) Jazz al Conservatorio Superiore
di Rotterdam (Olanda) dove segue i corsi di :
- improvvisazione jazzistica,
- tromba, Classica/Jazz
- jazz ensemble
- big band
Partecipa ai Masterclass tenuti da Wynton Marsalis, Freddie Hubbard, Joe Pass,
suona al North Sea Jazz Festival con la big band del Conservatorio di Rotterdam diretta da Bob Brookmeyer (direttore del Conservatorio di Rotterdam nel’ anno 1990)
Nel 1993 ritorna in Italia e vince il 1° premio Berklee College of Music
ai seminari di Umbria Jazz ’93.
Stefano Serafini
Born in Rimini on September 4, 1965
Graduated Geometra in 1985
Graduated from the Conservatory of Cesena in Trumpet in 1989.
He begins the studies of Trumpet Jazz with Marco Tamburini
From 1989 to 1991 he studied Jazz at the Conservatory Superior (after the admission exam)
Of Rotterdam (Netherlands) where he attended the courses of:
- Jazz improvisation,
- Trumpet, Classical / Jazz
- Jazz ensemble
- Big band
Participate in the Masterclass held by Wynton Marsalis, Freddie Hubbard, Joe Pass,
Plays at the North Sea Jazz Festival with the big band of the Rotterdam Conservatory directed by Bob Brookmeyer (director of the Rotterdam Conservatory in ‘1990)
In 1993 he returned to Italy and won the 1st Berklee College of Music prize at Umbria Jazz ’93.